Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy and Procedure: Providing Services to People with Disabilities

Preamble: Eventschwestern is dedicated to delivering exceptional service to all customers, including those with disabilities.

Policy: We commit to providing services that uphold the dignity and independence of individuals with disabilities. People with disabilities will have the same access to our services, in the same manner and location, as other customers.

Procedure: We will adhere to the following principles in our operations:

Communication: We will communicate with individuals with disabilities in a manner that accommodates their disability, without making assumptions about their needs.

Assistive Devices: We will serve individuals with disabilities who use assistive devices to access our services.

Use of Service Animals and Support Persons: We welcome individuals with disabilities accompanied by service animals or support persons in public areas of our premises. We may ask for documentation to confirm the need for a service animal. Service animals will not be contacted or approached. In certain cases, we may require a support person for safety reasons, following consultation with the individual.

Notice of Disruption: We will provide reasonable notice when facilities or services relied upon by individuals with disabilities are temporarily disrupted.

Training: Eventschwestern will train employees and representatives in:

  1. The Accessibility for Disabilities Act, 2005 and customer service standards.
  2. Our Accessible Customer Service policy.
  3. Interacting with people with various disabilities.
  4. Engaging with individuals who use assistive devices, service animals, or support persons.
  5. Assisting individuals with disabilities in accessing our services.

Feedback Process: To provide feedback on our services to individuals with disabilities, email Annabelle Delagarza at [email protected]. Complaints will be addressed following our standard procedures. Any policy not promoting dignity and independence will be revised.

Revised June 13, 2016

Accessibility Policy Integrated Accessibility Standards

Statement of Commitment: Eventschwestern is dedicated to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities promptly. We have established a policy and multi-year plan to fulfill our obligations under Regulation 191/11, “Integrated Accessibility Standards” of the Accessibility for Disabilities Act, 2005.

Application: This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and agents interacting with Eventschwestern’s stakeholders, including employees, volunteers, agents, customers, clients, and suppliers.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan: Our plan outlines steps to remove barriers and fulfill Regulation requirements. It will be available on our website and provided in an accessible format upon request, reviewed, and updated at least every five years.

Training: By January 1, 2019, we will provide training on accessibility standards and the Human Rights Code to employees, volunteers, and policy developers. Training records will be maintained, and others acting on our behalf will also be trained.

Information and Communications Standard

Feedback Processes: By April 30, 2018, we will make our feedback processes accessible, providing formats and supports upon request and notifying the public of their availability.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports: By May 9, 2018, we will provide accessible formats and communication supports upon request, considering the person’s needs and charging no more than regular costs.

Unconvertible Information or Communications: If information or communications are unconvertible, we will provide an explanation and a summary of the information. This may occur if conversion is technically infeasible or the necessary technology is unavailable.

Website Accessibility: We will strive to align our new internet content with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, initially at Level A and progressing to Level AA. By January 1, 2021, all internet content dating back to 2012 will conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA where feasible.